What is the state of the Ag economy? (Part 3)

by | Sep 9, 2022 | 5 Ag Stories, News

For the past two days, we have been looking at a high-altitude overview of the Ag economy, and its relationship with outside influences in the marketplace. Dr. Sam Funk of AgServe.com has been taking us through his insight into the situation. We have discussed geopolitical aspects and compared them to the farm crisis of the 80s.

Today we will look at more causes for concern, and we will start on the livestock side, especially in the cattle market. Dr. Funk talks about when he last saw culling being done on the scale we have on the western plains. He also talks about what it can mean for ranchers and consumers.

Of course, when we look at all of agriculture, we can?t help but remember that we will be crafting a new Farm Bill in 2023. What?s more, we could be doing it with a Congress that looks different than what we have today. Dr. Funk says with all the spending bills we have seen recently, there is going to be a lot of debt for Congress to muddle through.

There is a lot for agriculture to be nervous about. When we wrap this discussion up next week, we will focus on the positives and what the Ag industry can be proud of.