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Ernst critical of Biden Administration’s ag trade message

Ernst critical of Biden Administration’s ag trade message

Many of you who have children or are kids at heart have probably seen the original Lego Movie®. It was a neat little story about overcoming adversity and learning the value of teamwork. The movie produced a well-known song that entered the pop culture lexicon for a time. It was called, “Everything is Awesome.”* The song painted a picture that nothing is wrong. Everything is great as long as you and your team believe it is. During the NAFB Washington Watch event last week in the nation’s...

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ISU Extension providing farmers with valuable climate data

ISU Extension providing farmers with valuable climate data

All sectors of the Iowa ag industry have been reeling from drought issues for 200 weeks now, and while we are trending in the right direction, the drought won’t be ending overnight. With such intense rainfall deficits in many parts of the state, farmers need guidance...

NPB and Ducks Unlimited advancing sustainability in ag

NPB and Ducks Unlimited advancing sustainability in ag

Sustainability in the pork industry is central to pork producers. It’s key to ensuring producers can freely operate their farms and businesses now and in the future. Sam Morine, National Pork Board Director of Grant Administration, says the Advancing U.S. Pork...

Using data to drive change in fertilizer use

Using data to drive change in fertilizer use

Pivot Bio’s N-OVATOR™ program rewards farmers for replacing synthetic fertilizer via Pivot Bio’s microbial nitrogen, delivering an environmental benefit to all. Lori Reese is the director of commercial sustainability programs with Pivot Bio and says that by using data...

Free counseling available for Iowa farmers

Free counseling available for Iowa farmers

Affordability and accessibility are the top barriers for farmers seeking mental health services, per an American Farm Bureau Federation survey. During May Mental Health Awareness Month, the Iowa Farm Bureau wants to remind farmers support is readily available—and at...

Secretary Vilsack comments on USDA response to H5N1

Secretary Vilsack comments on USDA response to H5N1

During my trip to Washington this week, it was driven home that the bird flu is no longer the bird flu. It isn’t even Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, or HPAI, anymore. The Federal government and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are now calling it...

Silver linings to rainy weather planting delays

Silver linings to rainy weather planting delays

As we finish up the 200th consecutive week of drought in Iowa, there’s actually some hope to be found, as the drought conditions are very much trending in the right direction. The recent storms have dumped off plentiful amounts of rainfall for the soils across the...


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U.S. agriculture not immune to cyberthreats

U.S. agriculture not immune to cyberthreats

Cyberattacks are on the increase and are being used to target industrial systems that are utilized by U.S. agriculture, that’s according to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. Haines tells the Senate Armed Services Committee the U.S. intelligence community...

Ag groups respond to farm bill overviews

Ag groups respond to farm bill overviews

U.S. ag groups are reacting to the House and Senate Ag Committee leaders who released their farm bill overviews. “We are very pleased with the Farm Bill framework from House Ag Chair GT Thompson,” says Ethan Lane, VP of government affairs with the NCBA. “We are...