Swerving Left and Right

by | May 22, 2017 | Whitney's Witness

Monday May 22, 2017

?Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:14

There are probably not very many things more scary than seeing a car swerve to the left or right out of their lane. Especially, when you are near them.

The other day I saw a car swerve, and I was reminded what Jesus had to say about swerving.

We often get distract and takes our eyes off the road, and end up in some pretty sticky situations.

Just like cars are scary when they swerve, so are we when we swerve out of our lane and are not on the straight and narrow.

When we swerve left in right, we end up falling into temptation, making a wreck of things, and causing damage to ourselves and other people.

To take the narrow path means to awaken and engage Christ face to face.

Just like the non-swerving car, you will get to your destination more efficient and safe when you take the road with purpose, and are deliberate with your steps and intent.

Don’t roam left or right, instead fix your eyes ahead to Jesus. When you are focused on heading straight and staying in the proper lane you will reach your destination.

Prayer: God, forgive me of the times that I swerve out of my lane and get distracted by things that are not for me to fix my eyes on. Help me to fix my eyes on you. In your name I pray, Amen.”

-Whitney Flach