Spring agronomy tips: Part 2 of 2

by | Apr 13, 2018 | 5 Ag Stories, News

AUDIO: John Grandin, Growmark.

Yesterday, John Grandin, senior field sales agronomist with Growmark, offered spring agronomy tips. Today, we conclude our conversation with Grandin by discussing soybean seed quality and how it could affect you.

John Grandin, of Growmark, says farmers may struggle with soybean seed quality. Grandin adds seed quality is not dependent on hybrid, all seeds are susceptible to this issue.

Grandin notes a combination of conditions in last year?s growing and harvest, led to several mechanical issues during the cleaning process.

Grandin says there have been reports of seed coat damage and splits.

There have been calls to reduce soybean populations for the 2018 growing season. Grandin says while agrees with the premise, 2018 is not the year to be reducing soy population.

Grandin also states seed treatments should not be eliminated. While they will not fix the damage to soybean seeds, they will help give the seed its best chance for survival.