Soil & Water Conservation week reminds us conservation is year round.

by | May 4, 2018 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Iowa Soil & Water Conservation week has drawn to a close. The week was a great way for us to highlight all the efforts and innovations being employed to improve the quality of the environment around us. Having a week-long highlight of these projects is wonderful, but we are reminded that conservation is a year-round effort.

Jon Hubert, acting state conservationist with Iowa NRCS is pleased with the highlighting Soil & Water conservation week brought around Iowa.

Hubbert says a strong initiative is happening to educate people about soil. Hubbert says soils are not just a collection of nutrients, but a living entity all its own.

Hubert says the NRCS is trying to work with producers to look beyond just the next growing season to how they can take care of the soil for years to come.