Options to Replanting Your Crop

by | May 23, 2017 | HAT News Feed

Options to Replanting Your Crop

Daniel Call

Farmers from Indiana and Illinois are having to replant a significant portion of their crop, but there may be some alternatives. With another week of delays, the replant decision becomes more critical. Daniel Call, with Seed Consultants, recommends using the Purdue guidelines for making a decision on replant, ?If you have a stand of 22,000 ? 25,000 plants that was planted the end of April, you should leave it, versus trying to start over.? He said the Purdue data shows that this will give you a better chance at optimal yields for the situation at this point in time. Call added, for soybeans, the breakeven threshold on replanting is 60,000 plants per acre.

Call says, for many growers, replanting an entire field is not necessary, ?Our field observations over the past 10 days show us the majority of the issues are in spots in the field either from crusting or standing water. A lot of folks would be better off to go in a treat just those areas of a field.? In addition to population, emergence and variability from plant to plant is another factor that Call says growers need to take into account.

Another issue to consider is what seeds you can get. Call said overall seed supplies are adequate but not in all hybrids or varieties.?

He cautions, despite the lateness, do not rush planting and let fields dry adequately before taking the planter in, ?We will advise growers to use good agronomic practices. Even though it is almost June, it will not pay to mud the crop in.? For more information and recommendations on replanting, contact your Seed Consultants representative.