November Production Breakdown

by | Nov 9, 2012 | Audio

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You can view or download the November production report in full here.

Nat’l Corn Change Since Last Month
Production 10.7 bbu NO CHANGE
Yield 122.3 bpa UP .3 bpa
Harvested Acres 87.7 million acres NO CHANGE
Nat’l Soybeans Change Since Last Month
Production 2.97 bbu UP 4%
Yield 39.3 bpa UP 1.5 bpa
Harvested Acres 75.7 million acres NO CHANGE

You can view or download Iowa’s November Production Report here.

You can view last month’s Iowa figures here.

Iowa Corn
Production 1.90 bbu
Yield 139 bpa
Harvested Acres 95% of 13.7 million acres
Iowa Soybeans
Production 409 mbu
Yield 44 bpa
Harvested Acres 97% of 9.29 million acres