Next generation of Iowa farmers are ready to take the helm

by | May 3, 2019 | 5 Ag Stories, News

No matter if times in agriculture seem good or bad, there is one concern which transcends it all. Who will take the reigns for the next generation of the family farm? One Iowa hog producer is ready and willing to both make the farm successful and support the industry as a whole.

Ben Wilkner is a Farmersburg, Iowa pork producer and one of three recipients of the 2019 Pig Farmers of Tomorrow awards. Wilkner says he is proud to represent the pork industry into the future.

Wilkner is proud to be the second generation to run the family?s hog production operation and row-crop farm. He says he was, ?born into the job?.

As the generational torch is passed on American farms, it is comforting to see the enthusiasm and drive the next generation of farmers is bringing to the game. Fresh ideas in an industry that is moving rapidly in the 21st century.