Managing Sudden Death Syndrome in Soybeans this growing season

by | Mar 3, 2016 | News

by Ben Nuelle

Spring will be here before we know it. An Iowa State professor warns don?t adjust planting dates to fight Sudden Death Syndrome in soybeans. Dr. Leanor Leandro is an associate professor in plant pathology research at Iowa State.

?Generally the central part of the state is where SDS has been found,? Leandro says. ?The risk is that if you delay planting you are going to suffer yield losses because you are shortening the window of productivity. She says growers who have a history of SDS maybe plant those fields last in their sequence and could help a little bit but really think the soil temperature at planting is not going to be a factor on how much disease you are going to get.?

Leandro adds high moisture creates the right conditions for SDS.