Iowa FFA members gather in Ames

by | Apr 19, 2016 | News

by Ben Nuelle

Iowa FFA members gather in Ames for their annual convention. This year?s Iowa FFA Leadership Conference theme is Amplify: Boost Your Impact.

Josh Remington is Executive Director of the Iowa FFA Foundation.

?This year?s convention is an awesome year so far. We?ve had excellent student participation. Our numbers are trending up and those will come later this evening but we are looking to be great. The vendors are doing wonderful things at the career show. Students are participating in our career development events and it?s just an awesome year to be at convention.?

Remington says Iowa has one of the best general sessions.

?I am glowingly bias towards Iowa. I love my home state and I will say it is pretty incredible to have the opportunity to celebrate agriculture the way we do. And we truly take it as a celebration and take that atmosphere the entire way. We?ll have laser lights and pyrotechnics and confetti cannons going off just to pump up that energy in the crowd.?

Over 5,000 Iowa FFA members are expected to travel to convention this year.