Happy or Holy?

by | May 26, 2017 | Whitney's Witness

Friday May 26, 2017

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. -John 15:11

Christians might be thought of as Holy, but they’re not always thought of as very happy.

Our facial expressions, and attitudes show Jesus as more tough and mean than anything.

We often are portrayed as complainers.

So, can be be both happy and holy? Yes! Jesus helps us live a life of holiness and happiness- that’s the good news of the gospel.

Jesus smiled, laughed, and had a good time. He had a great sense of humor, and if you don’t believe that then you should dig into scripture a bit more.

The injection of joy into humanity is a primary implication of the arrival of Jesus into our lives.

Unfortunately, I think some of us have drained the fun out of our faith.

You have a reason to be joyful. Jesus is joy. Jesus is happiness. Jesus is Holy. So, be holy and be happy for Jesus sake!

Prayer: “Jesus, thank you for being joyful and happy. Thank you for showing what that looks like in my life. Help me to be both happy and holy so that others can see you through my joy. Amen.”

-Whitney Flach