Final 2012 Iowa Crop Production

by | Jan 11, 2013 | News

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Iowa’s final crop production numbers are in, thanks to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Corn for grain and soybean production were both as low as they’ve been since 2003. In spite of this Iowa’s average yields still top the national averages on both crops. National corn average yield and soybean yield were 123.4 bpa and 39.6 bpa, respectively.

Nationally, 2012 was the 7th largest production year for soybeans, as well as the 3rd largest planted acreage for soybeans and the largest planted acreage for corn since 1937.

2012 Iowa Corn Production
Total Production 1.88 bbu
Corn For Grain Yield 137 bpa
Harvested Acres (Grain) 13.7 million acres
Harvested Acres (Silage) 325,000 acres
Planted Acres (Total) 14.2 million acres
2012 Iowa Soybean Production
Total Production 414 mbu
Soybean Yield 44.5 bpa
Harvested Acres 9.30 million acres
Planted Acres 9.35 million acres