Farm Credit pleased with how their customers survived 2019

by | Dec 26, 2019 | 5 Ag Stories, News, Trade Talk 2019

In 2019, it was all about taking advantage of the opportunities you were presented. You had to roll when the weather allowed, and you had to make market maneuvers in the few windows where it could pay off. Farm Credit said after a year that was as challenging as this one, they are proud to see many of their producers weathering the storm very well.

Audio: Full interview with Ken Keegan of Farm Credit

Ken Keegan is the Executive VP of Business Development with Farm Credit. He said many of their farmer customers took advantage of marketing opportunities when they had them.

Keegan says while every operation is different, there are some basic steps all operations can take to see where they can be more profitable.

Keegan tells producers that it is not too late to talk to a financial advisor to help you find ways to make your operations profitable in these uncertain times.

To find your local Farm Credit representative, check out their website.