Channel Seed is excited for the 2021 harvest

by | Sep 3, 2021 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Not every part of the country, or even the state of Iowa for that matter, has been affected by drought or storms. We had the chance to talk with Iowa producers about how some of their crops are looking. Some said they are dry, some said that recent storms have done some damage, and some were ?pleased considering the circumstances.? That?s such a midwestern answer, isn?t it? The negative-positive.

While we traveled through the central parts of Illinois, I heard two descriptions of the corn ears we saw there. A ?baseball bat on a stalk?, and ?Baby Leg Ears.? Either way that you prefer to describe it, the fields are looking good over there.

Brandon Beck is a Technical Agronomist for Channel seeds. He tells us first about the crops they have in Central Illinois.

Beck says this year?s offerings of Xtendflex soybeans from Channel have proven themselves with strong pod counts and good-looking plants overall.

It helps that growing conditions in that part of the Midwest were almost picture-perfect.

As I drove through parts of Illinois, I saw that there were fields starting to turn, and some that were getting close to ready for harvesting. Beck says that some of his contacts were already starting to run the combines, and it was still the last day of August.

You can learn more about what Channel products can do for your fields, by logging on to their website.