Bipartisan support for renewing biodiesel tax credit

by | May 2, 2019 | 5 Ag Stories, News

On May 1st, a gathering was held in Washington in support of biodiesel. The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) was joined by partner companies and lawmakers to highlight the benefits of the biodiesel industry. Also, there was another call to pass a new biodiesel tax credit.

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley was one of the Senators in attendance. He reminded attendees that the tax credit expired 16 months ago and reissuing it should be a priority because jobs are at risk.

Grassley says biodiesel is a key tool in helping reduce our carbon emissions, and the tax credit helps support the industry.

Grassley says with bipartisan support they hope to educate their fellow members on the importance of biodiesel and get a tax credit moved through Congress.

We thank AgriPulse for sharing their audio with us.