Battle against SCN becomes more complex

by | Oct 6, 2020 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The SCN Coalition today noted, “Higher population densities of soybean cyst nematode during hot and dry growing seasons.” How to manage “the single most damaging pest affecting soybeans in the U.S.” given the new discovery, up next.

“Perhaps there’s more bad news about 2020,” says Greg Tylka, Iowa State University nematologist. He admits, “Soybean cyst nematode numbers increasing under dry, hot soil conditions remains one of nature’s mysteries” and causes additional pressure/stress this harvest season.

“By looking at over 25,000 research plots and experiments done over 15 years, it?s pretty convincing that soybean cyst nematode reproduction increases in dry soil, With all we?ve had to contend with in 2020, the drought and derecho, we?re nervous that fields with SCN numbers might be high heading into fall,” Tylka says.

Nematologists anticipate increased pressure moving forward, especially in fields which grew soybeans this year. This new finding further highlights the importance of “knowing your numbers” and collecting soil samples this fall, says Tylka.

?Soil sample all fields, not just fields that had soybeans grown in 2020,? Tylka says. ?Some may argue fields that have corn grown in 2020 should be sampled for SCN, if soybeans are going to be grown in those fields in 2021.?

Tylka adds, “Management starts with soil sampling,” but should be followed up with non-host crops, resistant soybean varieties, and seed treatments. The SCN Coalition published “Let’s Talk Todes,” an educational video series covering SCN best management practices.