April is Invasive Plant, Pest, and Disease Awareness Month

by | Apr 9, 2021 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Every year Farmers fight a long and hard battle against yield-robbing pests, plants, and diseases. The battlegrounds seem to expand every year, and the fight just gets tougher. The cost to farmers in supplies and lost yields are high. That is why the USDA is pushing for more awareness during April.

April is ?Invasive Plant, Pest, and Disease Awareness Month.? April was chosen because it is the best time to spot many of these species that are attacking crops all over America. Samantha Simon is the USDA?s Executive Director of Emergency and Domestic Programs. She tells us more.

As stated earlier, there is much economic harm coming from these invasive species. It is estimated that the costs to farmers is in the billions of dollars.

Simon gives us some tips on how to slow the spread of these species.

If you see the signs of invasive pests in your field, or anywhere else, it is important to take proactive steps.

Globally, the United Nations estimates food loss to be about 40% of planted crops and causes $220 billion in trade loss. You can find more information through the USDA APHIS at www.hungrypests.com