2012 Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour Results So Far

by | Aug 22, 2012 | News

As the Pro Farmer Crop Tour continues into its 3rd day, the devastation caused by this year’s drought and heat stress is unmistakable. Below are the results by state so far.

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State Corn Yield Estimate Soybean Pod Count
Ohio 110.5 bu. per acre 1,033.72
South Dakota 74.27 bu. per acre 584.93
Indiana 113.25 bu. per acre 1,033.24
Nebraska 131.79 bu. per acre 894.43
Illinois 121.60 bu. per acre 944.05
Western Iowa 146.50 bu. per acre 969.9

Also significant is the abundance of aspergillus ear rot found in southeastern Nebraska. The only two confirmed instances of aflatoxin in 2012 have been in southeastern Iowa. However, it’s still far too early to know how much of a problem aflatoxin will cause this harvest.